The key principles of Remote Learning at Burnley High School:
- High quality, lesson presentations and associated resources will be available through SMHW.
- Lessons will be high-quality and align as closely as possible with in-school provision.
- All remote learning lessons will be delivered through the SMHW platform.
- Lesson routines will continue. Students should access the SMHW platform and the lesson at the time they would have been attending lessons in school.
- Every lesson will have direct teacher instruction whether it be pre-recorded or feedback via SMHW.
- Work will be expected to be routinely submitted for marking and feedback. Feedback may be personalised written annotations and marking, typed comments, 1-2-1 feeback or whole class feedback.
All students should have access to ICT provision and where this has not been possible, they have been provided with a loaned electronic device from Burnley High School. Students who are at home are required to follow their usual timetable with teachers providing remote learning resources for every lesson through SMHW to support this. Every child has been given, in advance, their SMHW login and your child should have access to all of their subjects. If there are any issues then students should contact their teacher straight away. Any logins and passwords must never be shared with any other person and these should never be shared or publicised on social media. Parents and students are reminded that the schools behaviour policy and Remote Learning code of conduct apply to students who are learning remotely.
We monitor the engagement of all remote learning, and where there are concerns these will be raised with parents by their Head of Year quickly via a phone call home or email contact. We also need your support to ensure that students attend every lesson and are engaging fully in their work. We recommend that you ensure that your child has practiced using SMHW at home and support them with getting into good routines for remote learning.
Additional support for pupils with particular needs
How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?
We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those students. In the first instance, if you are struggling with remote education please contact the school immediately so we can put additional support in place. During periods of lockdown, you will be receiving a weekly call from a member of staff where you can raise any concerns that you may have. You can also contact our SENCO Mrs Garvey directly at:
The person in school with responsibility for remote learning is Mrs C Cragg (Assistant Headteacher)
Safeguarding of Remote Learning
Safeguarding – To safeguard our entire school community, students must adhere to our strict guidelines for Remote Live Learning as outlined below:
- We expect students to be safe users of technology at home or at school. We will endeavour to teach students about safe and appropriate use of digital technology. We will monitor the use of SMHW and the messages sent on there.
- Students and parents must understand that inappropriate online behaviour will result in sanctions.
- Students will only be able to join a lesson using their own personal login and password for SMHW.
- Students need to be prepared. Bring equipment that would be needed for that subject (for example have your Geography book ready if you have a Geography lesson) to the lesson. Please ensure you complete the correct work in the right subject book and if you require any more exercise books, please let school know.
- When completing any tasks to be uploaded, students should use correct literacy and complete their work neatly.
- Recorded lessons stored on SMHW must not be copied or shared with any other person, internal or external to the school. There will be no references to student names.
- School rules apply online too.
We will continually review our Remote Learning offer to improve the experience for students and hope that the combination of lesson by lesson resources, teacher instruction, activities and feedback will ensure your child’s education continues to thrive regardless of the setting. In order for the Remote Learning strategy to work, I wanted to thank you in advance for supporting your child and the school in understanding their role in engaging with learning at home with the same effort they would in school.
Remote Learning at Burnley High School is provided through SMHW. The website can be accessed by learners using their school Office 365 details here:
Any issues with SMHW should be emailed, along with a screenshot of any errors to