Burnley High School is committed to a positive policy of encouraging pupils to attend school regularly. The school works in partnership with parents/carers, the Local Authority Education Welfare Officers and other relevant services to secure this aim.
The happiness and educational progress of all our children are our main priorities and we believe that good attendance is a major way in which these priorities can be achieved. The pace of the curriculum is such that when your child is away from school, the learning they miss will significantly have an effect on future learning/progress and pupils often struggle to make this time back up. It is for this reason that we ask for your support in this matter.
What is acceptable attendance?
Our School expects all pupils to aim for 100% attendance.
97% attendance is regarded as good and should be achieved with an average amount of illness.
Any attendance level that creates a cause for concern would initiate intervention by the school. This could be as simple as a phone call with the form teacher or may, in more severe circumstances, lead to the involvement of agencies outside of the school.
We will closely be monitoring attendance and we will inform you if your child’s attendance falls below 95%.
Attendance that falls below 90% is classed as persistent absence (PA) and if this occurs we will request a meeting to discuss the reasons why the child’s attendance continues to be below the expected minimum.
We have an Attendance Officer, Mr Smith, working alongside our Pastoral Team to support and promote excellent school attendance.
- Each day we have a choice to be late or on time.
- Lateness means we lose valuable learning time and the sanction is a school detention.
- Good time-keeping means we can use every opportunity to succeed and is good practice for future careers.
Lateness to School
- Each day children who arrive late to school will need to sign in electronically in the reception area using our Inventry system.
- Repeated lateness to school will result in a parent/staff panel meeting.
- Student late detentions will be held daily.
- Late to school = Same day social time detention (10 mins).
- 2 or more late marks in the same week = 30 mins after school detention on the Friday of that week.
Illness and Accidents Procedures
- If you feel ill or have an accident, always tell your teacher, form tutor or any other staff member if you are not in a lesson.
- If you have an accident you will be looked after by a qualified First Aider.
- If you feel unwell you will be sent to the Attendance Lead and a qualified First Aider will usually deal with the situation.
- If you are unable to continue lessons your family will be contacted, by the school, before you are allowed to go home.
- If you have been given permission to leave REMEMBER to sign out using the inventry system in reception.
Health and Safety
All students will be responsible for
- Complying with school rules and procedures.
- Taking reasonable care of themselves and others.
- Co-operating with their teachers and other school staff.
- Using equipment and substances in the manner in which they are instructed.
- Not misusing anything they believe to be hazardous or dangerous.
Leaving Site
You should be on the school site at all times during the school day unless there is a specific reason for leaving. You then would need written permission from your parent/carer and to have completed the signing out process in Reception.
- If you need to leave school to see the doctor or dentist for example you must bring a letter from your parent/carer. Ideally these appointments should try to be arranged outside of school hours.
- To get permission you should see the Attendance Officer Mr Smith.
- If you are leaving school during a lesson, please let the specific class teacher know at the start of the lesson.
- As you leave the premises you must sign out electronically in the Reception area.
- If you return, report to Reception and sign in before going to lessons.
The importance of good attendance